Pharmacological Treatment for Stiff-Heart Syndrome
Pharmacological Treatment for Stiff-Heart Syndrome

Transthyretin-related cardiac amyloidosis is a degenerative disease defined by the accumulation of amyloid protein fibrils.

Mucus Plugs Prevent COPD
A mucus plug-COPD Mortality Study Could Save Lives

According to a retrospective examination of patient data from the COPDGene project, targeting mucus plug.

Cannabinoid for Brain Tumor
Cannabinoid-Based Brain Tumor Drug Study Begins

Patients with aggressive brain tumors may be allowed to participate in a new trial of.

Lesbian, Bisexual Women
Lesbian, Bisexual Women Had Lower Heart Health

According to new research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, an open.

e-skin Sends Brain-Talking Nerve Impulses
Soft ‘e-skin’ Sends Brain-Talking Nerve Impulses

Human skin’s mechanoreceptors can feel the delicate weight of a butterfly, the heat of a.

Vitamin K Prevents Diabetes
New Research Shows Vitamin K Prevents Diabetes

Canadian researchers have discovered a novel role for vitamin K and gamma-carboxylation in beta cells,.

Depression and Gut Microbiome Disruption
Research Links Depression to Gut Microbiome Disruption

As scientists, we’re used to reading about medical research issues in scholarly journals like the.

Swallowable Gastric Balloon Assists Weight Loss
A swallowable Gastric Balloon Helps Weight Loss

According to a new study, combining the world’s first and only procedure-free swallowable gastric balloon,.

Teen Vaping
Teen Vaping Associated With Cannabis and Binge Drink

According to a new study of over 50,000 US teens from around the country, teen.

Breast Cancer Origins Detected
Breast Cancer Origins Discovered

Harvard Medical School researchers have uncovered the molecular sparkplug that ignites cases of breast cancer.