Psychosocial Therapies: Effective for Menopause Symptoms
Psychosocial Therapies: Effective for Menopause Symptoms

Interventions such as mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) present a promising avenue for addressing.

Flavonol-rich Diet Lowers Mortality and Disease Risk
Flavonol-rich Diet Lowers Mortality and Disease Risk

In a recent prospective cohort study published in Scientific Reports, researchers delved into the connection.

ultra processed foods
Ultra – Processed Foods – A growing threat to public health

From fizzy drinks to cereals and packaged snacks to processed meat, ultra-processed foods are packed.

Study Finds Healthy Plant-Based Diet Reduces Dangerous Snoring
Study Finds Healthy Plant-Based Diet Reduces Dangerous Snoring

According to a study published in ERJ Open Research, people who consume a healthy, plant-based.

Cannabis can Ease Cravings for Street-Level Drugs
Cannabis can Ease Cravings for Street-Level Drugs

New research from the University of British Columbia suggests that cannabis could help alleviate the.

Quitting smoking shows dramatic health benefits

People who quit smoking see major gains in life expectancy after just a few years,.

overweight or obese people
High Levels of Weekly Physical Activity have been Associated with Lower Renal Disease Risk in Diabetes and Overweight or Obese People

High weekly levels of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical exercise are associated with a lower risk of.

Quality of Life and Sleep
Study Finds Encouraging Results in Improving the Quality of Life and Sleep in People with Memory Problems

A study from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing (Penn Nursing), recently published in.

Up to three daily servings of kimchi may lower men's obesity risk
Up to Three Daily Servings of Kimchi may Lower Men’s Obesity Risk

 Eating up to three servings of the Korean traditional kimchi per day may reduce men’s.

cancer treatment
Cancer Treatment: Efficacy 2.5x with Defective Mitochondrial DNA

Scientists have uncovered an odd discovery that could aid in the identification of people who.