Weight Loss Surgery impacts positively in Cancer Prevention

How weight loss surgery benefits in cancer prevention
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New research reveals that bariatric surgery(weight loss surgery) is associated with lower all-cancer and obesity-related cancer incidence among females after extending follow-up years, increasing sample sizes, and examining different surgical procedures. According to a new study published in Obesity, cancer mortality was considerably lower among female surgical patients compared to non-surgical participants.

Although population studies have found a link between BMI and cancer incidence, it is unclear if intentional weight loss leads to a lower risk of cancer, because considerable and sustained weight loss in large populations is difficult to attain. According to the study’s authors, because of the large and sustained weight loss following bariatric surgery, studies have indicated lower cancer incidence and mortality in bariatric surgical patients compared to comparable non-surgical controls.

“As scientists study human diseases, an element of discovery is to confirm like results from multiple studies. This research represents another important study that strongly supports the long-term benefits of weight loss surgery in the prevention of cancer,” says Ted D. Adams, Ph.D., MPH, Intermountain Surgical Specialties/Digestive Health Clinical Program and Intermountain Healthcare; Division of Epidemiology, Department of Internal Medicine, and Department of Nutrition and Integrative Physiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Adams is the study’s corresponding author.

The current study evaluated cancer incidence and mortality by obesity- and non-obesity-related malignancies, gender, cancer stage, and method. Nearly 22,000 bariatric surgery patients were compared to non-surgical participants with extreme obesity from 1982 to 2019. The individuals were matched in terms of age, gender, and BMI.

This study made use of the Utah Population Database, which included linked population-based data such as statewide birth and death certificates, the Utah Cancer Registry, and driver license information at each license renewal period. The population information was linked to three Utah bariatric surgery registries, which included individuals who had undergone gastric bypass, gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy, or duodenal switch surgeries. Non-surgical individuals were drawn from Utah driver license records for the study.

When compared to the non-surgical group, the bariatric surgery group had a 25% lower risk of acquiring any cancers. Female bariatric surgery patients were 41% less likely to acquire obesity-related malignancies than matched non-surgical females. Cancer risk was not lower in male bariatric surgery patients compared to non-surgical male individuals.

Cancer risk was reduced significantly for the following cancers: uterine, ovarian, colon, pre-menopausal breast, and post-menopausal breast. Female bariatric surgery patients had a 47% reduced cancer death rate than comparable non-surgical female participants.

Adams mentioned, “Important findings of this study are that bariatric surgery results in lower incidence rates of colon cancer (prior studies have not been consistent). Also, both pre- and post-menopausal women experience reduced breast cancer incidence following bariatric surgery, which may suggest weight loss among women in either category with severe obesity may benefit from reduced breast cancer.”

“Adams and colleagues have made another important contribution to our understanding of the relationship between obesity and cancer. The results of this study add to the literature indicating that the large weight loss seen with bariatric surgery decreases the risk of several types of cancer. The risk of cancer in women, who represent the majority of individuals who undergo bariatric surgery, was most greatly decreased. Persons with obesity and their health care providers should strongly consider these benefits when discussing the pros and cons of bariatric surgery,” said David B. Sarwer, Ph.D., associate dean for research; director, Center for Obesity Research and Education, College of Public Health, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Sarwer was not involved in the study.

The authors of the study stressed the importance of continuing bariatric surgery-driven mechanistic research focused at cancer prevention.

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