long COVID
IgG from Long COVID Patients Induces Symptoms in Mice

In a recent study published on the bioRxiv preprint* server, researchers demonstrated that transfer of.

Enhanced immune response against SARS-CoV-2 variants in new vaccination research.
Enhanced Immune Response in New COVID-19 Vaccines

An improved vaccination offers an enhanced immune response against both established strains and newly emerging.

Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Ovarian Cancer During COVID-19 Pandemic
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Boosts Ovarian Cancer

During the COVID-19 pandemic, US women with ovarian cancer (OC) used more neoadjuvant chemotherapy to.

Illustration depicting nasal cells reacting differently to SARS-CoV-2 based on age groups, with a focus on children's robust immune response.
Nasal Cellular Age response to Covid 19

Variations in Nasal Cellular Age Response to SARS-CoV-2 May Explain Children’s Milder Symptoms. Published in.

Phone addiction associated with increased insomnia risks.
Phone Addiction linked with Insomnia: New Study Insights

In addition to confirming the well-established link between mobile phone addiction and sleeplessness, a recent.

Abzymes Unveiled: Understanding COVID-19’s Impact

A possible solution for some of the most puzzling riddles surrounding COVID-19 and extended COVID.

Exploring the risks and benefits of OTC medications for COVID-19
COVID-19 Over-the-Counter Medication Considerations

The COVID-19 virus can cause symptoms including weariness, fever, coughing, and sore throat. The most.

Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on responses to Therapy for Anxiety

The commencement of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in unparalleled exposure to stresses caused by worries.

breast-feeding mom
Breastfeeding Post-COVID-19 Boosters passes Antibodies to Babies

Lactating mothers who receive the COVID-19 boosters pass the antibodies to their children through breast.

Pandemic Babies Exhibit Changed Gut Microbiome and Reduced Allergy Rates
Pandemic Babies Exhibit Changed Gut Microbiome and Reduced Allergy Rates

Pandemic babies exhibit developmental trajectory of the gut microbiome, influenced by the lockdowns enforced during.