Domestic Abuse Affecting physical health
Domestic Abuse Triggers Increased Risk of Atopic Diseases

According to new research, women who have experienced domestic abuse are more likely to develop.

Exercise boosts brain health
Chemical Signals from Exercise Boost Brain Health

Physical activity is commonly mentioned as a way to improve both physical and mental health..

Regular Magnesium Consumption Keeps Dementia Away

According to researchers from the Neuroimaging and Brain Lab at The Australian National University, eating.

Infertility in Woman
Females With Unexplained Infertility Are More Prone To Cancer, Heart Disease

According to research from the Medical College of Georgia, 17% of women with unexplained infertility.

Equine-Facilitated Therapy
Equine-Facilitated Therapy to Help Low Back Pain Patients

A recent study from the University of Eastern Finland suggests that equine-facilitated therapy (EFT) may.

Peanut Allergy
Meatless Proteins May Trigger Soy & Peanut Allergy

Many people who want to consume less meat are switching to protein-, vitamin-, and fiber-rich.

Mediterranean Diet
Reduced Risk of Dementia with Mediterranean Diet

A recent study found that following a traditional Mediterranean diet, which is high in foods.

Telemedicine for mental health care
Switch To Telemedicine During Pandemic Ensured Quality Depression Care

According to a new analysis, the quick switch from in-person care to telemedicine consultations at.

Gestational Diabetes
Dimmed Bedlights Reduce Gestational Diabetes Risk

According to a recent Northwestern Medicine study, pregnant women should dim their home’s lights and.

prostate cancer
Colorful Fruits & Veggies for Prostate Cancer Prevention

Researchers from the University of South Australia have shown that men who regularly eat colored.