Research Helps Parents Prepare for RSV Vaccines for Children
Research Helps Parents Prepare for RSV Vaccines for Children

Two novel strategies to protect infants from respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, may soon be.

Brain's Conscious Experiences Unveiled
Brain’s Conscious Experiences Unveiled

More than a quarter of all stroke sufferers have an unusual disease in which they.

Bipolar Disorder Increases Death from External Causes
Bipolar Disorder Increases Death from External Causes

People with bipolar disorder, which is marked by strong mood fluctuations, are six times more.

Effectiveness of Caffeine Naps for Drivers with OSA
Effectiveness of Caffeine Naps for Drivers with OSA

According to government data, fatigue was a role in 1,195 collisions in 2021, but there.

Baby Receives Unique Breast Milk Antibodies from Mom
Baby Receives Unique Breast Milk Antibodies from Mom

According to a new Journal of Experimental Medicine study from the University of Pittsburgh School.

Preterm Infants' Mortality Associated with BPD-PH
Preterm Infants’ Mortality Associated with BPD-PH

Around half of preterm infants develop bronchopulmonary dysplasia, a respiratory disease that can lead to.

Eye Drops Could Replace Injections for Retina Disease
Eye Drops Could Replace Injections for Retina Disease

A new study reveals that eye drops produced by Columbia University researchers may be a.

Novel Drug for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Treatment
Novel Drug for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Treatment

Researchers from Georgetown University’s Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center collaborated with scientists from the University of.

Toothpaste With Synthetic Tooth Minerals Prevents Cavities
Toothpaste With Synthetic Tooth Minerals Prevents Cavities

Brushing twice a day keeps the dentist away—but can we enhance the toothpaste we use.

Revolutionizing Birth Control
Revolutionizing Birth Control

According to Katharine O’Connell White, MD, MPH, associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology, the FDA’s.