Race in Clinical Algorithms
Race in Clinical Algorithms can Reduce and Increase Health Disparities

Because race is a social construct, and the molecular mechanisms by which race influences clinical.

Baby's Brain Development
Baby’s Brain Takes Shape from Caregiver’s Speech

A team lead by a neurodevelopment researcher at the University of Texas at Dallas has.

Fetal Exposure to PCBs
PCBs in Utero Impair Hearing Health Later in Life

Music, mice, and microscopic imaging work together to reveal new information on the effects of.

Tinnitus Treatment
Tinnitus Treatment Advanced; Study Shows

Tinnitus, or the ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound of silence, can be mildly irritating in.

Immunotherapy for the Lung Cancer
Immunotherapy for the Advanced Lung Cancer patients

Immune checkpoint inhibitors have changed treatment for patients with advanced lung cancer over the last.

Pill Halves Lung Cancer Risk
Pill Halves Lung Cancer Mortality

A pill has been shown to halve the risk of death from a certain type.

Brain Shape Affects its Functioning
Brain Shape Affects its Functioning

For more than a century, scientists have believed that the patterns of brain activity that.

Obesity Treatment Advancement
Obesity Treatment Advancement and the Breakthroughs

Researchers from the Universities of East Anglia and Cambridge have made a significant breakthrough in.

Cannabis and Major Mental Problems Share Genes
Cannabis and Major Mental Disorders Share Genes

The link between cannabis usage and Mental disorders has long been questioned. Cannabis is a.

Chronic Kidney Disease Cause Revealed
Chronic Kidney Disease Cause Revealed

According to new research, new insights into a protein that causes damage in the kidneys.