Alternative Medicine: Help or Hype?

People have always looked for different ways they could be healthier or treat different ailments..

Can mothers’ diets influence the microbial composition of human milk?

Diets high in fiber and fat have been shown to alter the microbiota residing in.

What is Testosterone and How Can Low T Affect You?

Low testosterone in men is a condition that is more common today than many people.

Symptom-Based Case Definitions for Detecting Influenza in Pregnant Women

Findings in the Pregnancy and Influenza Multinational Epidemiologic (PRIME) Study indicates that WHO case definitions.

Medical marketers prepare for ‘new normal’ after COVID

The pandemic presented a best-of-times/worst-of-times scenario for medical marketing. The good: A once-in-a-century public health.

Deloitte study: Pharma industry innovation on the upswing

Following a period of steady decline, the pharma industry has experienced an upward trajectory of.

Healthcare workers are… vaccine skeptics?

Even before Omicron kneecapped the country’s fits-and-starts recovery from COVID-19, healthcare workers were reported to.

How Omicron will help us learn to live with the virus

In early December, 2021, Jim Weiss, chairman of Real Chemistry, spoke with Dr. Monica Gandhi,.

Inflatable Neurostimulator for Minimally Invasive Pain Control

Researchers at the University of Cambridge created a spinal stimulation device that can help to.

Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Metabolism is Impacted by Anthocyanins and (-)-epicatechin

Obesity and diabetes are major health problems globally, and extensive work is being done to.