Dengue Risks: Higher Heart & Neurological Impact vs COVID-19
Dengue Risks: Higher Heart & Neurological Impact vs COVID-19

The results of a statewide study headed by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) show.

Clarification Needed on Semaglutide-Linked Suicidal Ideation Alert
Clarification Needed on Semaglutide-Linked Suicidal Ideation Alert

Researchers look into the possible connection between suicidal or self-injurious adverse drug reactions and the.

Promising Results of Total Neoadjuvant Therapy in Advanced Rectal Cancer Care
Promising Results of Total Neoadjuvant Therapy in Advanced Rectal Cancer Care

Researchers examined a modified regimen of total neoadjuvant therapy (TNT) in high-risk locally advanced rectal.

Maternal Gut Bacteria Affects Fetal Brain Metabolism
Maternal Gut Bacteria Affects Fetal Brain Metabolism

Researchers have assessed the effects of maternal gut bacteria, specifically Bifidobacterium breve, in the mother’s.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Boosts Mental Well-being in Cancer Patients
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Boosts Mental Well-being in Cancer Patients

Researchers assessed the effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) on cancer patients’ mental health (MH) and.

New Research Links 31 Additional Cancers to Obesity
New Research Links 31 Additional Cancers to Obesity

A new study examining the relationships between body mass index (BMI) and the risk of.

Fine Particulate Matter Linked to Gestational Diabetes Risk
Fine Particulate Matter Linked to Gestational Diabetes Risk

A recent study published in BMC Public Health evaluates the link between the risk of.

Symptomatic Chlamydia Linked to Higher Reproductive Risk
Symptomatic Chlamydia Linked to Higher Reproductive Risk

In a recent prospective cohort study, Dutch researchers examined the risks of reproductive problems following.

Antidiabetic Drugs May Modify Osteoarthritis Risk
Antidiabetic Drugs May Modify Osteoarthritis Risk

Scientists employed Mendelian Randomization analysis in a recent study that was published in The Lancet.

Blood Platelet Score Identifies New Heart Attack & Stroke Risks
Blood Platelet Score Identifies Heart Attack & Stroke Risks

Circulating cell fragments known as blood platelets play a crucial role in forming blood clots.