A potential new test for diagnosing Lyme disease

For scientists and clinicians alike, one of the Holy Grails for successfully treating and curing.

Study shows human induced pluripotent stem cells improve vascular health

Researchers at Indiana University School of Medicine, in collaboration with the University of Alabama at.

A new approach for bolstering the T cells ability to fight cancer

A collaborative study led by the Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute (BDI) has discovered a new.

Soundwave Microchip to Grow New Bone Cells

Researchers at RMIT University in Australia built a microchip that can induce stem cells to.

Microfluidic Device for Quick and Accurate SARS-CoV-2 Testing

Researchers at the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona, Spain, have created a microfluidic chip.

Artificial Neurons and Synapses from Printed Transistors

Researchers have created artificial neurons and synapses using organic electrochemical transistors that can be printed.

New method heals skeletal injuries with synthetic bone

Researchers have developed a way of combining a bone substitute and drugs to regenerate bone.

Ankle exoskeleton enables faster walking

Being unable to walk (walking or running) quickly can be frustrating and problematic, but it.

Ultrasound Technology to Decode Brain Activity

Researchers have developed a non-invasive functional ultrasound system that can detect brain activity by listening.

Think Twice Before Putting a Yoni Egg in Your Vagina

Ooooh, crystals! If you’re the spiritual type, you may be intrigued by the idea of.