Author: Rashmi Thakur

Treatment Resistant Malaria Parasites Found in Ethiopia

New strains of malaria-causing parasites that are resistant to current treatments and undetectable by standard.

Human Lipidome Disclose Markers of Health, Disease and Aging

The sequencing of the human genome signaled the beginning of a medical revolution, but researchers.

Immune System Memory Improved Against Influenza

The immune system of the body works to both treat the infection and create a.

Dementia Risk Could Rise as a Result of Poor Metabolic Health

Three or more of the following conditions—high waist circumference, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, high.

Alzheimer's disease
Irisin-Based Treatment Might Reduce Alzheimer’s Disease

The first 3D human cell culture models of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) that exhibit the two.

Progress in Identifying the Preeclampsia Cure

Researchers from Brown University and Western University have made ground-breaking strides toward understanding the underlying.

New Genetic Variants Associated With Cardiovascular Health

According to recent studies published in Nature Communications, researchers have discovered more than 60 previously.

LAMP Device can Identify Pathogens in Patient Samples

A group of microbiologists from Stanford, Yale, the Karolinska Institutet, Rutgers, The State University of.

Fibromyalgia Patients may Benefit From Green Light Therapy

One of the chronic disorders with incapacitating pain and tiredness symptoms that are difficult to.

blood clots
Cognitive Issues due to Blood Clots From COVID-19

In order to identify potential proteins (biomarkers) linked to subsequent cognitive problems, including serious and.