Social Media Use Interventions Reduce Depression Symptoms
Social Media Use Interventions Reduce Depression

Receiving therapy for problematic social media use can help people with depression improve their mental.

Cardamom Increases Appetite and Burns Fat
Cardamom Increases Appetite and Burns Fat; Study Shows

According to a new Texas A&M AgriLife study, eating cardamom has a variety of health.

A New Concussions Headset Decides When To Play

Athletes’ readiness to return to play after concussions may be determined differently thanks to a.

Weight-Loss medications
Weight-Loss Drugs Cause Complications Under Anesthesia

If a patient needs surgery or other operations that call for anesthesia on an empty.

How Individual Preferences Affect Our Creativity

We give ideas shape more quickly the more we like them. But in order to.

Parkinson’s disease
Football May Cause Parkinson Disease

Early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease (PD) depends on the identification of risk factors. Parkinson disease.

An Old Antibiotic Might be Used for STI Prevention

A decades-old antibiotic that has been transformed into a prophylactic tablet is about to be.

People Burn Fat at Different Rates While Exercising

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai researchers found that the optimal heart rate for.

The Body’s Vitamin Balance is Controlled by the Brain

Researchers from the University of Aberdeen examined vitamin A and how the brain responds to.

heart attack
Prevention Of Heart Attack With Treatment

Imagine receiving care for a young, healthy heart that would enable it to mend from.