Preterm Babies More Likely To Develop COPD

One of the most prevalent postnatal issues for premature infants is breathing difficulties. Such issues.

Suicide Risk with Fambling
Gambling Increases Suicide Risk in Young Adults

According to recent research from the University of Glasgow and City, University of London, a.

Bone Marrow Transplants to get safer and more effective.
Bone Marrow Transplants To Get Safer & More Effective

To combat blood diseases like lymphoma and leukemia, researchers working out of the Roy Blunt.

congenital heart abnormalities
Congenital Cardiovascular Abnormalities Linked To Severe Respiratory Infections

According to a UNSW Sydney study, having severe respiratory infections during the first trimester of.

Cesarean Section Disorder
Cesarean Scar Disorder: A New Clinical Condition

More than 30% of mothers who deliver via cesarean section experience long-term side effects including.

Drug Overdose in Elderly
Drug Overdose Mortality in Elderly Quadrupled

According to a recent study, the drug overdose fatality rate among those 65 and older.

Seasonal flu vaccine
Improving Seasonal Flu Vaccine Could Help Predict Pandemic

According to recent research by experts at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, it may be.

weight loss treatment with no side effects
New Weight Loss Therapy Without Nausea or Surgery

A novel class of chemicals may provide the advantages of gastric bypass surgery without the.

Multiple Sclerosis triggered by bacteria toxins
Multiple Sclerosis Onset Can Be Triggered By Bacterial Toxin

According to a recent study led by a group of scientists at Weill Cornell Medicine.

gestational diabetes
Tax on Sugary Drinks Reduces Risk of Gestational Diabetes

According to a recent UC San Francisco study involving more than 5 million women, taxes.