Monoclonal Antibodies Inhaled are Anti-COVID-19
Monoclonal Antibodies Inhaled are Anti-COVID-19

According to the research, inhaled monoclonal antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 greatly reduced COVID-19 disease in nonhuman.

Some Benefits of the Exercise arise from Immune System
Some Benefits of the Exercise arise from Immune System

Research revealed that the immune system fights inflammation and improves endurance during exercise. Since an.

Neuroprosthetic for Walking Disorders
Neuroprosthetic for Walking Disorders: a Major Parkinson’s Disease Therapeutic Breakthrough

The scientists detailed the process of constructing the neuroprosthetic that allowed the first Parkinson’s patient.

Brain Implant Translates Brainwaves into Words
Brain Implant Translates Brainwaves into Words

A voice prosthetic built by a combined team of Duke neuroscientists, neurosurgeons, and engineers can.

CEPI and Oxford advance Arenavirus vaccine research
CEPI and Oxford advance Arenavirus vaccine research

The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the University of Oxford today announced the.

Multiple Sclerosis
Blood Biomarker Predicts Multiple Sclerosis Progression

Researchers discovered that elevated levels of NfL in the blood of Multiple Sclerosis patients could.

King's College Accelerates MND Cure Search
King’s College Accelerates MND Cure Search

A new research institute in London launched to accelerate the hunt for a cure for.

Researchers Obtain Protein Structural Insights with Strong AI Technology
Protein Structural Insights with AI Technology

Using the strong artificial intelligence tool AlphaFold2, an international team of researchers offered fresh insights.

Epigenetic Treatment
Epigenetic Regulation in Cancer – Across 11 Tumor Types

Researchers developed a pan-tumor transcriptomic and epigenetic regulation atlas using single-nucleus chromatin accessibility information and.

Smoking Halts Cancer-Fighting Proteins, Fueling Cancer & Treatment Challenges

Scientists at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) have discovered one mechanism by which.