Genetically Engineered Bacteria Evade Immune System to Kill Cancer

Researchers at the Columbia University created a genetically modified bacterium that expresses a molecular cloak.

Limiting energy in neurons exacerbates epilepsy

Epilepsy, one of the most common neurological disorders, is characterized by the spontaneous repetition of.

Older kidney transplant candidates unlikely to report depressive symptoms

Older adults are less likely to report depressive symptoms compared with younger adults at evaluations.

COVID-19 Ups Diabetes Risk 40% a Year Later

Having COVID-19 appears to raise a person’s risk of developing diabetes within the next year.

Sleep shows how risk-seeking people may be

Each person has their own individual sleep profile which can be identified by the electrical.

Researchers develop new antibody test to diagnose multiple sclerosis

Mayo Clinic researchers have validated a new antibody test to diagnose multiple sclerosis (MS), a.

Telehealth will endure, but providers are managing expectations

Telehealth technology has been cited for its convenience, especially when usage skyrocketed during the COVID-19.

Brain implant helps completely ‘locked-in’ man communicate

Unable to move a single muscle, even to open your eyes. Completely locked into your.

New research suggests interrupting immune response improves multiple sclerosis outcomes

A human immune system is a lot like the board game Mouse Trap: it’s a.

Lipid and glucose levels at age 35 associated with Alzheimer’s disease

Living your best life at 35, ignoring cholesterol and glucose levels, may impact your chances.