Category: Research
New findings in medicine
The frequency and prognosis of newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients hospitalized with severe.
A research of children and adolescents with diabetes conducted by the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center.
If you’ve seen the original Star Wars film, you might be wondering if the iconic.
According to a study published today (Thursday) in the European Heart Journal, people who use.
According to new UC Davis research, men with a FMR1 premutation who had poor executive.
According to a new meta-analysis co-directed by Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center investigators, soy compounds.
A comprehensive long-term study published in the open-access journal RMD Open reveals that women who.
A groundbreaking study led by Dr. Mehdi Razavi at The Texas Heart Institute (THI) in.
A plant-based or vegetarian diet is associated with a 39% decreased risk of COVID-19 infection,.
A new experiment has discovered that children with neuroblastomas, a rare kind of cancer that.